Frequently asked questions

  • What is my hair or curl type?
    At your initial consultation, we will discuss your curl patterns. Multiple types of patterns can exist on one head of hair. Rather than “defining your hair type,” we will describe your hair as kinky, coily, or wavy and come up with the best regimen for YOUR hair.

  • What is the best way to detangle my hair?
    The best practice for detangling curly hair is to use a good detangling brush and conditioner, gently going from the ends to the roots.

  • How long will my service take?
    Drying and styling times can vary depending on the density and length of your hair. Plan to spend an hour for a dry cut and two to four hours for other services, such as Wash’n’go and Silk-Outs.

  • What products should I use?
    We will discuss product recommendations for YOUR hair once I have seen and felt your hair texture.

  • How often should I shampoo my hair?
    Most people will be dehydrated by day seven and need a shampoo. I recommend a mid-week co-wash between shampoos for most people, depending on your porosity.

  • How often should I get a trim?
    Most people with longer hair will need a trim between 10 to 16 weeks, although some shorter styles will need more frequent trimming every 2-4 weeks.

  • Can I get color on my first appointment?
    Color services are reserved for my loyal returning customers. Hydration levels must be assessed on initial consultation before color recommendations.

  • Will you pressure me into a big chop?
    I will not pressure you, but I will encourage you to shed your relaxed ends and embrace your natural curls!